Tanglewood Forever closed on August 31, 2019, with hundreds of generous donors combining to raise more than $70 million for Tanglewood. We sincerely thank everyone who supported this special place that means so much to so many.

Tanglewood Forever closed on August 31, 2019, with hundreds of generous donors combining to raise more than $70 million for Tanglewood. We sincerely thank everyone who supported this special place that means so much to so many.
Tanglewood Forever donors have made lasting, impactful changes that have improved Tanglewood, including:

Linde Center for Music and Learning
Opened in June 2019, the new multi-use, multi-season Linde Center for Music and Learning complex supports the performance and rehearsal activities of the Tanglewood Music Center and hosts the Tanglewood Learning Institute.
Tanglewood Learning Institute
Given Tanglewood’s unique combination of performance and education activities and itslarge seasonal audience base, Tanglewood has expanded on the intersection of learning and performance through the Tanglewood Learning Institute (TLI).

Bernstein Campus Visitor Experience Improvements
Tanglewood Forever donors have made the Bernstein Campus even more efficient and appealing for guests to better serve growing audiences and encourage social, community-oriented gathering.

Enhancing Tanglewood's Horticultural Legacy and Treasures
Thanks to Tanglewood Forever donors, the BSO has embarked on ambitious, long-term plans to restore and enhance the horticultural landmarks of the entire Tanglewood campus.

Endowment for Programs and Facilities
Funds from Tanglewood Forever will allows the BSO to create new cultural and intellectual pursuits through music and education, and provide for ongoing campus enhancements well into the future.
Continued Support for Tanglewood
Tanglewood Forever may be over, but the BSO can always use your support—continue helping us to make an impact in our community and spread the joys of orchestral music.

Tanglewood Learning Institute Announces Inaugural Summer Programming

January Construction Update